Flight through Border: Day One "Intro: Walk the Line"
Hello and welcome to Mourning Cloak’s K-pop flight!! I am Mourning Cloak and I am glad you could join me! Here's the podcast that relates to this Flight - https://open.spotify.com/episode/7j2UQMxCf203AxecfeOGnJ Below are some of the highlights from the podcast, links to what I discussed in the podcast, and some visuals that cannot be provided in a podcast setting. In the world of Enhypen this week, we’ve learned there’s a comeback happening soon. In K-pop a comeback is when a new album drops. Right now there is no official word on the date but @hyphenating ( https://twitter.com/hypenating ) is predicting 9/20!!! So what’s that mean for us?? Nothing yet. I’d love to post once a week, God willing, but sometimes life gets in the way. Or my ADHD 😂 Definitely not getting through their first two albums before the third comes but that means more music to love and reflect on is headed our way. For today, we will start with their first album Border: Day One a...